
 店裡人手目前唯一老闆佳耦與弟媳,老闆娘當兵 翻譯兒子放假也會回來協助,老闆娘伸出紅彤彤的雙手說:「你看我的手,攏做到如許,肩膀有時候也很痠痛。」固然如斯,客人一來,她 翻譯精力即刻就來了,臉上堆滿著笑臉,俐落地準備餐點,從她的身上,可感觸感染到女人的堅毅與樂觀。另外,店家與左鄰右舍豪情和睦,他們安閑地聊天,有時開開小玩笑,使得全部用餐氛圍都好了起來 翻譯社冬季夜晚來到五甲夜市,吃碗麻油雞,用暖暖熱湯安撫身心吧!

 fortunately, the chef gets a lot of help from her family. she works long hours and finds it can be tiring running such a successful business. however, she is devoted to her cooking and feels her hard work is rewarded by the lines of customers that come every night to get her soup.

 by 7:00 p.m. the stall is crowded with customers and enticed by its steamy aromas. the hearty soup is thick, yet it is not overpowered by sesame oil. its outstanding flavor is due to the generous amount of tender chicken drumsticks that are added to every dish. it is one of their most popular items and regular customers often come to get it as well as stir-fried pork kidneys for a take away. popular side dishes include thread-noodles infused with sesame oil and sesame oil fried eggs.

 老闆娘示意,年青時曾在餐廳工作過,也曾幫人掃除,四年前來到這間店上班,後來因緣際會把店接下來,一路打拚至今。在過程當中不息地改良,調整湯頭與食材,但願讓客人吃到更美味的餐點。店裡 翻譯雞肉只用雞腿肉,固然本錢較高,可是肉質佳,烹煮後不容易乾澀,炒肉時加倍入月桂粉與甘草粉,使麻油雞吃起來順喉不鎖喉;米酒浸泡過人參才使用,店內利用的豬油,也是向熟悉麵攤購置的現榨豬油 翻譯社

 one of the secrets to her success is her attention to detail and hard work. the chef meticulously prepares the ingredients by herself 翻譯公司 fries the chicken and simmers the broth. although the stall closes around 1:00 a.m., after work she heads to fongnong market to pick up the freshest ingredients for the next day.

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 the now chef and owner started working at hung's three-generation sesame oil chicken soup four years ago and was only a junior staffer at that time. she worked hard to master the technique of how to make the most perfect sesame oil chicken soup. when her former boss offered her the chance to run the stall, she took up the challenge. she continued to improve her recipes and soup broths and sought to include higher quality ingredients. one of her secrets to her popular soup is marinating ginseng in rice wine before it is fried in sesame oil and then later adds to the soup. she then adds ground bay leaves and licorice powder while frying the chicken. only chicken drumsticks are used for taste and texture.

 洪家三代麻油雞位於五甲自強夜市,下戰書四點半營業至晚上十二點 翻譯社拜候當晚約七點抵達,攤頭亮著暈黃燈光,大湯鍋冒著白煙與陣陣香氣,攤前座位已滿,只得商借近鄰店家坐位,不時有客人來外帶麻油雞或是麻油腰子。熱騰騰 翻譯麻油雞肉湯,黃澄澄的湯中擠滿雞腿肉,湯頭和順甘醇,麻油香氣稠密不油膩,喝完喉嚨不會「束」起來;雞腿肉鮮嫩多汁,不乾柴,分量又多,吃起來很滿足。喝湯同時搭配一碗麻油乾拌麵線與麻油煎蛋,是一大享受 翻譯社

winter comfort food: hung's three-generation sesame oil chicken soup

【◎english translation: hou ya-ting ◎photos by quava】



 sesame oil chicken soup is available across taiwan and is an iconic winter comfort food for many taiwanese. yet 翻譯公司 each chef has their own distinct version of the dish. hung's three-generation sesame oil chicken soup is a stall that is famous for its popular sesame oil chicken soup. open from 4:30 p.m. to midnight, it is located in zihciang night market (wujia shopping area in fongshan city).



 sesame oil chicken soup is especially delicious in the winter and a popular dish in taiwanese cuisine. hung's three-generation sesame oil chicken soup stall in the zihciang night market is popular with local customers and a great place to try this delectable comfort food.



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