
Drenpe mijik tamché rab ter 
To him will be granted absolute fearlessness.

Dra yi pung ni nampar joma 
She completely subdues their numerous foes.

Pu döpé ni pu top gyur shing 
And desires a son, will have a son,

Zöpa samten chöyul nyima 
Patience and samadhi are the field of her action

Rimpa dünpo nam ni gema 
Dominates the beings of the seven netherworlds.

Yigé chupé ngak ni köpé 
By the arrangement of the ten syllable awareness mantra

Nor döpé ni nor nam nyi top 
Or desiring wealth will gain such wealth.

Nyur du wong ni kurwa gyur la 
Shall swiftly empower him:

Barwé trengwé u na nema 
She sits in the centre of a garland of flames

Chatsel dawé dumbü ugyen 
Homage to her whose crescent moon diadem,

Chatsel lha yi tsoknam gyelpo 
Homage to her served by the king of the assembled deities,

Tsawe ngak kyi töpa di dang 
These are the praises with the root mantra,

Chatsel könchok sum tsön chagyé 
Homage to her who displays the mudra of the Three Precious Ones

宗薩欽哲仁波切念誦廿一度母讚 ~ 這是多年前的灌音,經常有法友扣問,這個網頁有藏音和英譯對比,並且重複三次,做得很用心,所以再次分享。
Praises to 21 Taras, Chanted by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
21 Tara’s Uzala Mix by Gary Dyson

Shintu drakpö rinmé selma 
She eradicates the most violent epidemics.

Dön dang rolang nöjin tsok nam 
The hosts of demonic, malignant and zombie-like spirits

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Turé dön kün jinpe drölma 
Who liberates by giving all benefit by “Ture”,

Yang Serena 分享了 Yeshikhorlo Tibetan Buddhism Association Australiaཨོ་གླིང་ཡེ་ཤེས་འཁོར་ལོ།  翻譯直播影片 翻譯社

Chatsel tönké dawa küntu 
Homage to her whose face is like

Ridak tak chen cha na nama 
Is the hare-marked moon she holds in her hand,

Chatsel kelpa tamé me tar 
Homage to her, amidst a fire like the kalpa’s end

Gyelwa chewa trakdün nam kyi 
Seventy million Buddhas

Translation: Padmakara Translation Committee

Chatsel ser ngo chu né kyé kyi 
Homage to her who is golden blue-green,

Semchen shenpa nam la yang ngo 
This will be so for other beings too.

Malü paröl chinpa tobpé 
Whoever obtains all the transcendent virtues,

Dikpa chenpo jompa nyima 
She overcomes even the heaviest defilements.

Soha om dang yangdak denpé 
By her root mantra with the “svaha” and “om”

Du ngel tsok ni nampar pang té 
All his sufferings shall come to cessation –

Chatsel turé shab ni dabpé 
Homage to her, swiftly stamping her feet

Gek nam mé ching sosor jom gyur chik 
And obstacles will subside by themselves.

Chatsel trat ché ja dang pet kyi 
Homage to her who by “Trat” and “Phat”

Takpar shintu ö rab dzema 
Streams forth continuous rays of white light.

Chatsel lha yi tso yi nampé 
Homage to her, rounded like a heavenly lake

Késar chéwa lé ni jungma 
Sprang forth from a billion-fold lotus pistil.

Dütang jigten wong du dzéma 
She brings demons and the universe under her power.

Jompa turé rabcho nyima 
Are vanquished by “ture”, the unsurpassable mother.

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Soha yigé kyö la dü do 
With the syllable “Svaha” I bow to you.

Döpa tamché tobpar gyur la 
All he has wished for shall be obtained,

Chatsel denyi sum nam köpé 
Homage to her whose array of the three syllables of suchness

Til kyi nün ching shab kyi dungma 
And tramples it under her feet,

Mébar trukpa shintu barma 
She consumes them completely with her raging blaze of fire.